Features 15 Aug 2024

Five Questions: Jalek Swoll

Triumph Racing rider on breakout 250MX podium at Unadilla national.

This season has been largely positive for Jalek Swoll and Triumph Racing, on debut with the TF 250-X in Monster Energy Supercross and Pro Motocross. Swoll has been close to the podium on multiple occasions and finally managed to break through for third overall in 250MX at Unadilla. He features in our latest Five Questions interview to detail the achievement.

Image: Octopi Media.

Jalek, sensational ride and a historical day. I love what you said on the podium, ‘I had a few at Supercross that kind of got away from me, those podiums’. Today, you made it happen on the OA – big day for you, big day for Triumph.

Yeah, no, it’s awesome. I feel like I’ve been on the other end of things not working out for me, and obviously I want to get on the box straight up and not just because somebody went down. Obviously, it sucks for Jo [Shimoda], but no, I’ve been on that end of the stick a few times and to come out here and put two good results together and get on the box, it’s awesome. It means a lot for Triumph too, obviously with them first-year brand and to be the first guy in the US to get a podium for Triumph, it’s pretty cool.

Is the anticipation, did it make it more special or like you said, you would prefer to finish podium in both motos to get here?

For me, I’ve said it a few times, but for me, I feel like I should have had at least a couple podiums in Supercross, so I would’ve rather had Birmingham and Philly, but man, it’s awesome, especially an outdoor podium is some hard work and it means a lot when you can come out of here with a top three. It’s hard work and it’s probably twice as hard as Supercross for me. Yeah, any podium is special no matter where it’s at, but you to get it and finally get it out of the way, and just focus on just being my best self from now on forward. It’ll be good and a little bit of a weight lifted off my shoulders a little bit. I feel like I’ve been just really, really wanting that first podium, but yeah, getting it out of the way and getting out of here with a good result is awesome. The track was pretty gnarly. Yeah, next weekend try to follow it up with another good result. Last year, I finished on the box there and I got some good memories at Budds Creek, so I’m ready to go.

Obviously, this podium and everything, you’ve had an up and down season developing the bike, and just this whole learning process… What’s been the toughest thing for you?

I’d say for me, it’s more just, I don’t know, just shaking the bike down really. We’ve never been to any of these places, so we don’t have any data, we don’t really know. We can do all the laps on the practice track, but it doesn’t resemble what a race day can give you or a race track can give you. For us, we just got to show up and obviously, we have a good set up and a good bike, but you never know. Showing up, getting the data and just racing while learning I guess is the toughest part. Obviously, I had a couple technical issues in the beginning of the year when I was riding good and top five and points and all that kind of stuff, and it really took me a minute to get that momentum back. It comes with riding a new bike, but obviously I’ve been pumped with the bike. I feel like I’ve been fast hit or miss here and there, but for the most part, I feel like I’ve been pretty consistent with the bike and my speed. Obviously, next year, when I get some actual teammates to ride with and everything, I think it’ll escalate the speed and endurance and all that stuff just more so. I’m really excited for next year and I’m excited to be with the brand.

Image: Octopi Media.

Through it all, how have you rolled with the punches and kind of stayed positive? Because it has been tough and I’m sure there’s been tough days at the track… How have you tried to remain positive and just keep knowing that there is going to be a better result, things are going to turn around eventually?

Well, I guess the easiest thing is I’ve been close a lot this year. I’ve found myself in a lot of positions where I could make a podium happen. Obviously, some things didn’t go my way this year to get on the box earlier, but I’ve always been close, which has just driven me all year and just trying to clean up and just learning and elevate as a rider a little bit. For me, it’s just been being consistent and staying there. Obviously, like I said earlier, I’ve been close and that’s been fueling the fire a little bit.

I don’t know if you were here, but did you see the track yesterday and do you think it would turn out the way it did today? Just talk about the turnaround…

I wasn’t here. I flew in Friday, so I was just on Instagram surfing, looking around and yeah, I thought it was going to be a jet ski weekend, to be honest. It looked gnarly, but obviously, the more and more time went by and just seeing other people walking on the track, I had a feeling it was going to shape up pretty good today, but I didn’t think it was going to be like how it was this morning. It was honestly pretty unreal, to be honest.
